Where it all began...

KONSEPT (concept in Turkish) is the expression of my passion for culture exceptional design and fashion from around the world. We seek to showcase fresh and avant-garde designers from around the world with a curated selection of lifestyle articles. We invite you to discover the world through our eyes.
Dedicated to all the bold women who like to stand out.
It all began in Florence Italy where I studied Fashion Marketing & Communications, in a city rich in culture, fashion and lifestyle I emmersed myself in this world and my dream became to be a buyer for a multibrand store (mainly because I wanted to travel the world shopping). Later on I moved to Milano and studies a Masters in Luxury Brand Management at Istituto Marangoni where this desire became even stronger. Unfortunately I wasnt able to fullfull this desire so I came back to my country Honduras and worked in the family business. In 2020 while I was in a trip with my mother God spoke to my heart once again "your purpose in life are the dreams of your heart" so I remembered it did not begin in Florence it began since I remember being very young dreaming of having my own shop. I began selling a small quantity of products in my country where they sold out in 2 months, and currently since april 2022 I expanded the operation to the U.S.A.
We are currently selling Turkish lifestyle but we hope to bring to you other cultures very soon. I hope you can all follow your dreams and enjoy wearing mine!
Never loose faith!



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